Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Psalm 42:2 says, "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?"

'No gadget will ever be latest enough, no woman will ever be beautiful enough, no car will ever be cool/fast enough, no food will ever be tasty enough and no house will ever be comfortable enough. Our generation has been fervently searching for purpose and satisfaction in the wrong places. But only in Christ will one be truly joyful and contented.'

2 Corinthians 12:10 says, "...for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

On Tuesday, Sierra Wing organized Frisbee for our weekly Sports & Games routine at OCS. Just like any other team sports activities, I will always be a burden to the team. My section mates dared not pass the Frisbee to me because I would only drop it or accidentally pass it to the opposite team after I received it.  Honestly, I tried. I always did. Ever since Secondary 1 when I first participated in my Captain Ball and Soccer games in The Boys' Brigade, I was always highlighted by the rest as the most dreaded player in the team. I can neither catch the ball properly nor kick the ball straight. Nothing more than a burden. I was constantly angry with God and could not comprehend why He wired me this way. I was not begging Him to make me the best player on the field. All I ever wanted was to contribute to every team I was involved in but until today, that prayer never never came true.

 Over the years, I came to accept this weakness of mine and stop blaming God. But the story does not end here. One Saturday afternoon at Woodlands Evangelical Free Church (WEFC), the youths were playing Captain's Ball at the courtyard opposite. Due to the fact that I was much older and physically faster than the majority, the younger youths assumed I was one of the stronger players. They constantly passed the ball to me but little did they noticed that I always almost immediately pass it on to someone else (just to get the ball away from me lest I drop it and disclose my weakness). Being a friendly and non-competitive game, the pace was comfortable and slow. It gave me time to observe my church youths and a chubby Secondary 1 Boy, by the name of Caleb Soh caught my attention. Twenty-minutes into the game, no one on his team ever passed the ball to him. Caleb did not touched the ball even once. My heart sank. It reminded me of one Soccer game I was playing in back in Secondary School. For one entire hour, I did not managed to kick the ball even once. After we reshuffled our teams, I consciously kept Caleb in my radar when the new round began. I intentionally sought opportunities to pass the ball to that young man.

At the end of the game, Caleb came to me, smiled gently and told me, "No one passed the ball to me just now except you. I counted five times!" From then onwards, I realized that God has been preparing me for moments like this where I could sympathize with those who are forsaken. I know the pain that Caleb goes through. That is why I knew exactly what to do to lift his spirit. 

God has reasons and use for our weakness. 

Psalm 73:25 says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you."

Do not count your days, but make your days count. I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not. Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser. It is said that people complain because they have problems, but after some time, I realize people have problems because they complain.