Thursday, April 30, 2009

2 Chronicles-Day 14

Just finished the Language Papers for Prelims I today. Next are the Sciences and Mathematics. I'm so not ready for them. Pray that God will grant me capacity and good time management to consolidate the necessary concepts. Btw, wore a jacket that I borrowed from Soh in the examination hall. Z.R. (Zeken & Rebekah) kept teasing me and Mdm Santha kept laughing when she saw me in pink. -.-

Saturday, April 25, 2009

1 Chronicles-Day 13

Went to Town yesterday and wanted to get a new bag for school but all the bags are either too small or odd looking.

2 Kings-Day 12

Touch Rugby game in the morning. Lloyd taught me a few tricks here and there. Went for Disciple Group (DG) lunch and we played this game, where we must buy food for another person instead for yourselves. And I bought Eu Jin a Mutton Murtabak and a Tissue Prata. In return, I got an Egg and Planta Prata. Great afternoon spent with the fellowship of like-minded Brothers in Christ.
Band of Brothers (Awkward)
Anchoring God's word

Thursday, April 23, 2009

1 Kings-Day 11

You're the Apple of My Eye :)
Song of Solomon 2:3 says, "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 Samuel-Day 10

Met Barathan at the 901 Bus Stop yesterday morning and it was raining heavily. Was late for Morning Worship and was 20% drenched. My umbrella was too small to shelter 2 GIANTs to school building. But thankfully, I had the chance to speak to him along the way and this young man really earns and deserves my respect. He loves his Dad a lot. However, Bara didn't managed to tell him about Jesus before he left this realm but he is still clinging on to God with great faith. As for me, aint gonna wait anymore. It's harvest time (to share the Good News with my own Father)!

Verse for Today: John 4:35 says, "Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

Monday, April 20, 2009

1 Samuel-Day 9

Yesterday I was a Staff Sergeant, today I am a Warrant Officer and I am thankful for what the LORD has given me thusfar. Greater things have yet to come. Was late for school today (gotta kick that bad habit of mine, sigh) and Soh gave me a mobile Bunny to apologize for making me angry but I wasn't angry actually. Some girl from Secondary Two gave me chocolates today (I was like scratching my head) and I forgot to say "Thank You!"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ruth-Day 8

The Legacy of the CSMs (2008-2009) An Honour To Meet Bishop of Singapore Anglican Diocese, Rev. PoniniahThe Pipe Band Contingent from 12th Barker Road Today is the final moment I would be serving the 11th Singapore Company as a Company Sergeant Major (CSM) or a Parade Commander. Also, it is the final time I would be wearing the dark blue BB uniform with my Cross Belts and holding the rank of a Warrant Officer. Though I recently failed my Founders' Award assessment, God has been good and blessed me with the Best Boy Award at 11th Singapore Company. Truly, it is a miracle created by God himself - No one (not even myself) could ever imagined that I would be able to come this far in my journey as a young man.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Judges-Day 7

Pipe Band Major-WO Kenneth 12th Barker Singapore Company- Pipe Band Parade Contingent Had another long day at BB parade. Was practicing for Combined BB & GB Enrolment Service and Consecration of our very first BB Colours. The pipe band team from 12th Barker came over to practice their performance for the actual day. Attended Dim Psalm BS late. JM and I decided not to go for the 5pm Church Service. Instead, we attended Barathan's Father's Cremation Ceremony at Mandai Crematorium (mom drive my class there). Praying hard for Bara at this stage. Heard from Uncle Oliver that he still has some faith in God.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Joshua-Day 6

My classmate Barathan's Dad passed away early this morning. His father is a Warrant Officer in Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). He collapsed after running during the 5BX in camp. Uncle Oliver was supposed to meet Bara for BS after school but he received a message from him saying, "My dad passed away." O LORD, I sincerely pray that everything will be fine. Please be there for him, yeah?

Updated (11/07/10):
A year has passed by and by God's grace, JM and Bara are in the same Polytechnic now. Though Bara has stopped attending BS or perhaps even believing in Jesus, God still loves him. It's indubitably difficult for Bara to ever believe in Him again. Three weeks before his Dad passed away, Bara prayed to accept Christ into his life. And then his father left. God does not promise us explanations but He knows our pain and always loves us.

"O LORD, please use your servant, JM, to reach out to Barathan at NYP! Amen"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Deuteronomy-Day 5

Had a really long day at school, followed by Christian Fellowship. Also, I had the privilege to pray for several friends today. Everyone seems to be trapped in their own predicaments - forgetting to stand firm and trust in God. Every GIANT seems to be getting BIGGER this season, sigh.

Verse for Today: Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Numbers-Day 4

Shared with the entire Christ Church Secondary School about God's word today. I am glad that numerous did laughed and enjoyed my sharing. After school hours, I sneaked into Innova Junior College (my dream school) with Ms.Soh to find Keith Wong to advocate us (I mean her) in the Design & Technology Coursework. Unfortunately, he was too hungry and went for dinner without giving her any assistance, haha.
Andrea Soh & Her "Book"

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Leviticus-Day 3

Church Service today and by God's grace, my Primary School ex-classmate, Isabelle Ang came too. Haha, Belle came out of no where and sat with the CG. Though she remained relatively silent half the time, I'm very glad to see this childhood friend of mine in church (again). Pray that the LORD will move her heart slowly and one day, bring her back to WEFC and Dim Psalm. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing about God during the Devotion at the morning assembly at CHR. Speaking in front of the entire school is indubitably a challenge for me. Argh, but I know God is here with me!

Verse For Today: Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Exodus-Day 2

Had a really long day at Boys' Brigade (BB) parade today. Band & Drill practices were tedious but thank God I managed to pull through. The BB Officers affirmed me that my ordering of command is much audible than last week. That's quite AWEsome (as I always struggle to raise my volume and project my commands clearly as a Parade Commander). Rained halfway while i was cycling back home and sigh, having a mild fever now.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Genesis-Day 1

Greetings! My name is Daniel Chow [which means The Lord is My Judge]. From the bottom of my heart, I know my identity is found in Christ alone and I am fully assured of my salvation. This ordinary blog is created with an extraordinary purpose to inspire anyone who chance upon it and serves as a reminiscence on God's faithfulness for every single step I have taken thus-far in my life . Jesus Christ is the wonderful author of this Blog. In every believer's life, a divine story is written.

Verse for Today: Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."