Saturday, October 9, 2010

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

When you purchase an air ticket, you are given two classes to choose from - Economic and Business. Both will cause you a price. The amount you are willing to pay determines the benefits you will get. An Economic Class will derive a mediocre satisfaction while a Business Class will bestow a higher quality of travel experience. Take this example and apply it to Christianity. On many occasions, we ignorantly assume that there are maybe few levels of Christianity. Some can choose to pay a higher price to follow Jesus while others can choose to pay a smaller sum. For instance, the former may participate in myriads of Church activities and religiously meditate on God's word daily while the latter may clock their church attendance and obey the commandments as long it conveniences them. Depending on the (price or level of commitment) we pay, we think that that is the amount of blessings we will get in return from the heavenly realms.

Are there various classes or levels of nobility in Christianity? Absolutely not! Luke 14:33 proclaims that, "In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." Following Christ comes with obedience and complete surrender. Many profess to know Jesus but their lifestyles tell otherwise. We cannot enjoy the blessings of both worlds. No where in the bible says we can enjoy God's eternal blessings and live an unexamined, unrepentant and unchanged life concurrently.

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