Thursday, March 17, 2011

John 15:13 says, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

O sovereign LORD, comfort Uncle Oliver this season
as his mom returns home to be with You-Somewhere BETTER : )

For the past 2 weeks, he has gone all out to help me in my PA application. He spoked to Mrs.Yeo, prayed, dug up my old photos, wrote the referee's report for me, sacrificed his sleep & spent time talking to me. He didn't get the chance to say his very last goodbye to his mom because of me. At 2.55pm on Monday, Uncle Oliver was at ZapIt! to print the reports with me. At around 3.13pm, he left Woodlands platform and boarded the MRT to AMK. At 3.45pm, his mom 'went home.' According to my calculations, Uncle Oliver did not managed to see her mom leave on time. He missed that chance only by a few minutes. Why? BECAUSE he was printing the report with me...

That's how far my mentor would go for me. To sacrifice that chance
to say goodbye just to help me apply for some silly treasure...

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