Sunday, December 18, 2011

What Is My Purpose In BB?

"Go back for God, not the Boys. They will leave some day."
Thanks Eu Jin for the advice. 

Bethany Hamilton - The One Arm Legend

Soul Surfer is a movie that was inspired by the life of a modern day Christian hero, Bethany Hamilton, who lost her right arm to a shark attack when she was young. By the grace and empowerment of God, Bethany later became a world-class surfer with only one arm. Really hope I can get my hands on the DVD soon, haha.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

His Name Is Darryl Sw

Cycled with Darryl Sw yesterday for a total of 70km to places like Upper Thomson, Orchard Road BBHQ, Singapore Flyer, Shenton Way, Marina Barrage and Bugis Street. Was an incredible experience though it was quite scary to cycle on the road along all the cars. And I learnt one thing - Never ever cycle in the rain. Bought a new bike with Chuen last Saturday. Let me formally introduce my new wife - Cannondale Trail 6.0.
Thank God for Sw as he taught me about the traffic, route and safety guidelines that advocated my survival, haha. This young gentlemen, whom I have known and trusted for many years, is unbelievably gifted by God. Sw teaches me how to play, fix and tune my guitar countless of time and advises me on numerous issues related to bicycles. Great and well-respected brother in Christ. Forgive me, brother, if I ask you for help too much.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Graduation. Exams. Shopping. Prom. Chalet. Night Cycling.

Two Years with the AWEsome Class 1031A have come to an END.
Tonkat Alif is working now. Han is in Taiwan now. Kate is in Vietnam now. THE Chuen is in New Zealand now. Max and Van are working soon. I'm heading to China soon. Sigh, seems like everyone will be busy. Cant wait to see my class again next year. May the LORD's presence abide in our future endeavors.
"Where we are going always reflects where we come from."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


White chocolate with green tea
Durian Puff
Durian Pudding
Durian Pancake
Durian & Crunchy Hazelnut Tartlet
Royal Chocolate Crunchy Hazelnut

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tampopo & Cold Stone Bonanza with Class 1031A

Went to Liang Court with Chuen to eat lunch yesterday.
We ordered Tampopo's Signature Ramen with extra slices of black char siew.
Best local ramen I've ever been served.
Followed by a shopping spree (first time ever) with Max, palatable dinner with the ladies and ended off the evening with a dashing oreo overload from Cold Stone.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Proverbs 27:5 says, "Better is open rebuke than hidden love."

Beautiful girl with beautiful smile. Drew got eliminated from X-factor today. Gifted with a voice that has the magic to touch and transform lives. But that aint the reason why I decided to blog about her. The beautiful thing she did was she said this, "Jesus Christ loves you guys. That is the reason I am here in the first place." I was amazed by her courage. I would love to buy her albums for my kids next time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Genesis 1:20 says, "And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky."

I always visit Fruit*Paradise at Vivocity whenever I go to Harbor Front.
They offer incredible flavours and variety of pastries.
Ranging from Naval Orange Chocolate, Mango Strawberry, Nutty Caramel, Green Tea Tiramisu, Mango Banana, Mixed Berries Chocolate Tart to Caramel Banana Flavour Tart.
It's a dream come true, old friend : )

1 Peter 2:13 says, "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,"

"The problem with churches today is that they are more concerned with entertaining the goats than in feeding the sheep."
~Adapted from Renfred's Facebook Wall~