Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Acts-Day 44

Someone once questioned, "How many gods do Christians exactly worship? Why does the Holy Trinity comprise of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? The truth is Christians worship only one God, who has three different personalities. Kinda tough to imagine how can we worship one God and yet He is three persons at the same time. Allow me to use a simple illustration to explain the phenomenon to you. Kindly look at the green object below:
Is/Are there four leaves or one leaf? If you said one leaf, you are not exactly wrong but if you look carefully again, doesn't it look like it got four leaves with one single stem? And if you thought it was four at first, why not one? There is only one stem you know? Hmm, rather confusing and unexplainable, isn't it? Well, that is exactly the same with the Holy Trinity. We cannot full explain it, but God is a God in three persons.

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