Saturday, August 28, 2010

Matthew 21:13 says, "It is written," he said to them, "My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers."

Went for BS with my brothers (28 Aug 2010) today. Learnt about prayer to our Heavenly Father. Praying can at times be like letting go of a balloon into the sky (which may symbolize a burden, worry, thanksgiving etc). Sometimes when we lift up our prayers to God and doubt, it is like pulling back the balloon even before it hits the ceiling. Which is greater? Our prayer or our God? Can our prayer ever be too BIG for God to answer?  We must dare to pray and believe! There is no magic in prayer but there is magic in faith.
Biblically, a human body is known as a temple of God in which the Holy Spirit dwells. We can either treat it like a marketplace and stock it up with wealth, lust, idols, malice, boasting and a constant hunger for earthly treasures. Or we can ask God to clean it up with brimstone and heavenly fire so that it is sanctified and worthy to be used for as His instrument of worship.

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