Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From Sarah: "I am a Child of God, who happens to be a student. Not the other way around!"

"O Lord, thank You for the opportunity to go back to CHR yesterday and met the younger ones today during the OPEN House. Show them where You want them to go, not where people tell them to go or where Satan wants them to go. Open doors that only you can shut and close doors that only you can open! Bless and watch over Jonathan, Isaac, Hannah, Gerald & Gabriel, Melissa and Rachel Toh and the rest! Guide them to a new family, a new prayer group and a new strong tower wherever they go. On this note, I thank You for providing me with Sarah, A.J, Beth, Van and Han. For those who did not do well, assure them that Jeremiah 29:11 still holds and still intact! Your will is sovereign and true and great and unstoppable! Amen!"

Romans12:1 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will."

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