Saturday, January 1, 2011

Psalm 63:1 says, "You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you,my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water."

The BB Primers' Challenge officially ended on 29 December 2010. Was remarkably astounded by how God challenged me in so many ways during this overwhelmingly breathtaking trip. Waterfall Abseiling. White Water Rafting. Caving. We ventured into Temperung Wet Cave for a two-hours tour but I gave up halfway. I was afraid not because of the darkness that shrouded my vision, but that fact that I was losing my sight. My heart kept pounding abnormally. Though I doubted and feared tremendously, I persevered in prayer and managed to finish the second Cave Tour. I spoke to God every single second I was in there. God mentioned the command: 'Do not fear' 365 different times in the Bible. If He says it so many times, I think He must be serious about it. By His awakening grace, I overcame the darkness for Christ shines in my life.
Followed by Year-End Evaluation Chalet with my BB Brothers at Navigators HQ. Thank God that Aaron was able to make it. BBQ. Running. Reading. East Coast. Napping. Mary Joke. Guitar. Yesterday, I ended off 2010 with the movie Stardust and pizza (I paid for everything! Pouts) with Yu Jie and Darryl Sw. Had a great time talking and learning guitar from Darryl. Sw has always been one of the soldiers in God's army that I always respect and love working with. Pray that we can both get our road bikes and go for long distance cycling soon.

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