Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

Thank God for a wonderful week : )

Monday: Aaron hit 8:58min for his 2.4km
Tuesday: Elizabeth's Farewell + "Did You Know?"
Wednesday: AQ Cycling (wet weather style)
Thursday: Did well for Mathematics FA and grateful for the new JC1s
Friday: Cross Country Training was tough but awesome!
Saturday: AQ Training + Meeting up with M.R.Chua (He's in NS now)
Love my new coach, Fabian Williams.. He came in 1st for last year's Adidas Sundown Ultramarathon (84km).. Through him, the whole team can get 30% discount for everything we buy from an Adidas shop : )

Time to upgrade to new shoes

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