Sunday, July 29, 2012

Psalm 139:11-12 proclaim, 'If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you."

Today is OCS Parents Visiting Day and my 19th Birthday (which I forgot).
Two good weeks have passed by in OCS. I truly thank our Abba Father for ordaining me with the grand opportunity to be trained in a professional and world-class military institution. Indubitably a place where I will be thoroughly refined by the flames and forged to become a true servant leader for Christ's sake. Above all, to become a more effective missionary working for the extension of His glorious kingdom on earth. Honestly, I was clouded with fears and was absolutely reluctant to even begin the journey as an Officer Cadet initially. However, by God's grace, the motto of OCS, which states: 'To Lead, to Excel and to Overcome' comforts me as the day goes by. I realized that I have my fellow Cadets and Section Instructor to guide and support me throughout the whole OCS journey.

Furthermore, I had the privilege to meet righteous and steadfast young men like OCT Wilson who are genuinely passionate about serving the country as much as I do. We both allow very similar values (which mine is stemmed from God's word) and perspectives to govern the way we conduct our lives. To us, getting a GOLD for our Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) is not simply to avoid remedial trainings (RTs) or to get monetary bonuses. We aim to achieve the highest standard of physical fitness so that we can lead our men at the front-lines during a war. And we see the sword as an honor bestowed from heaven and a motivation to strive for excellence while others see it as a medium to impress their social circles. I pray that we may ever stay true to our guiding principles in life and influence our men in the near future.

The Commissioning Parade is not the destination for me, it only marks the beginning of my professional service to the Republic of Singapore. Most are looking at the very last day of the nine-months but I am looking at the nine-months itself and constantly asking, "O LORD, what do you plan to teach me here?"

With a Lion's Heart, Watchman Chow.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Recently, I have been afraid of telling people that I was posted to Officer Cadet School (OCS) because I feared failure and disappointment of not becoming commissioned at the end of the 9 months training. I truly fear the darkness that will be engulfing and tormenting me during the Jungle Confidence Course (JCC), which happened to me during BMTC field camp. Almost every night, I would be woken up for no logical reason, feeling breathless and fearful. By God's grace, Uncle Oliver, Samuel and my BB Brothers in Christ like Joshua Sir and Ming Han Sir have been encouraging me with God's Word. 

In His Word, God commanded Joshua to be courageous. Uncle Oliver pointed out that courage and fears are actually emotions. 'I feel courageous. Or I feel afraid.' But why does God commands us to be courageous or rather, how is it even possible for Christians to be courageous during moments when they literally feel afraid? Because God is with us wherever we go, even if we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. 'I will fear no evil for You are with me, O LORD.' Sometimes, I feel really silly for I have dwelled in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, why do I still fear men?

With a Lion's Heart, Watchman Chow.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Black And White

Psalm 106:9 says,"He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert."

By God's grace, I am selected by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to be posted to the Officer Cadet School (Army Wing). I am to report at Safti Military Institute (MI), Warrior's Hall by 0800 on Tuesday (170712) in Smart Green No.4. A new journey has been opened by heaven's door.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Basic Military Training Course (BTMC)

"Thank you O LORD for the past two months of BMTC. From sleeping in the mud to finding battery caps, from firing live rounds to throwing a fragmentation hand-grenade, from getting confinement to doing guard duty, from reading the bible in the toilet to getting caught for praying with other Christians in the bunk and from scrubbing the floor to cleaning pigeons' waste on the glass windows. Today, you gave me the privilege and strength to complete the 24km Route March and to participate in the Passing-Out Parade (POP) on the Marina Bay Platform in front of thousands of parents. Without Your sovereign will and guidance, all these would not have been possible. May I use the Block Leave to count my blessings and to reach out to the Lost Sheep. Amen with a Lion's Heart!"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Carpe Diem With A Lion's Heart

REC Chow Yi Xian Daniel
W2311. BMTC School 3. Whiskey Company. Platoon 2. Section 3. Under the leadership of Section Commander, 3SG Nicholas and Platoon Commander, 2LT Ch'ng Kai Hung, he completed the Standard Obstacle Course, Basic Trainfire Package, Live Hand-Grenade Throwing, Group Battle Course, Individual Field Craft, Situational Test and Individual Physical Proficiency Test. Passing Out Parade (POP) and 24km Route March is coming soon. What should I expect after I have stepped out of Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) at Pulau Tekong, O LORD?

The Story of Hagar and Ishmael

Recently, I was on the verge of signing-on with the Singapore Armed Forces under the Enhanced Officer Scheme (EOS). My human intention was practical and all I wanted was financial security and a scholarship to cover the cost for my undergraduate studies. In the midst of being enslaved and entangled by what the world offered me, I almost forgot about the Great Commision and Matthew 6:33. The LORD has taught me that I was seeking security in the wrong place. God promises me not only earthly stability, but eternal guarantee in His heavenly courts. Just like Abraham and Sarah, time and time again God assured them that He would fulfill His covenant with Abraham through his own son, Issac. However, Abraham still made a wrong decision by going for an alternative/detour by laying with Sarah's Egyptian maidservant, Hagar and resulted in the birth of Ishmael (though still within the control of God's sovereign plan). By His great mercy, God pulled me back quickly from signing the SAF contract and I am resolved to entrust my one life to serve Him.

Proverbs 23:23 says, "Buy the truth and do not sell it—wisdom, instruction and insight as well."

The Ironman is one of my favourite movies and I like how Tony Stark upgrades his armor suit from time to time. Imagine how walking with God can be even more dynamic and exciting as God brings us through each new season and discover more about Him and ourselves.

1 Thessalonians 4:4 says,"that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable,"

True love exists when a gentleman is willing to die for the woman he loves. I disagree. Dying is simple. Living is hard. True love only exists when a gentleman is willing to live honourably for the woman he loves.