Sunday, July 29, 2012

Psalm 139:11-12 proclaim, 'If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you."

Today is OCS Parents Visiting Day and my 19th Birthday (which I forgot).
Two good weeks have passed by in OCS. I truly thank our Abba Father for ordaining me with the grand opportunity to be trained in a professional and world-class military institution. Indubitably a place where I will be thoroughly refined by the flames and forged to become a true servant leader for Christ's sake. Above all, to become a more effective missionary working for the extension of His glorious kingdom on earth. Honestly, I was clouded with fears and was absolutely reluctant to even begin the journey as an Officer Cadet initially. However, by God's grace, the motto of OCS, which states: 'To Lead, to Excel and to Overcome' comforts me as the day goes by. I realized that I have my fellow Cadets and Section Instructor to guide and support me throughout the whole OCS journey.

Furthermore, I had the privilege to meet righteous and steadfast young men like OCT Wilson who are genuinely passionate about serving the country as much as I do. We both allow very similar values (which mine is stemmed from God's word) and perspectives to govern the way we conduct our lives. To us, getting a GOLD for our Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) is not simply to avoid remedial trainings (RTs) or to get monetary bonuses. We aim to achieve the highest standard of physical fitness so that we can lead our men at the front-lines during a war. And we see the sword as an honor bestowed from heaven and a motivation to strive for excellence while others see it as a medium to impress their social circles. I pray that we may ever stay true to our guiding principles in life and influence our men in the near future.

The Commissioning Parade is not the destination for me, it only marks the beginning of my professional service to the Republic of Singapore. Most are looking at the very last day of the nine-months but I am looking at the nine-months itself and constantly asking, "O LORD, what do you plan to teach me here?"

With a Lion's Heart, Watchman Chow.

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