Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Story of Hagar and Ishmael

Recently, I was on the verge of signing-on with the Singapore Armed Forces under the Enhanced Officer Scheme (EOS). My human intention was practical and all I wanted was financial security and a scholarship to cover the cost for my undergraduate studies. In the midst of being enslaved and entangled by what the world offered me, I almost forgot about the Great Commision and Matthew 6:33. The LORD has taught me that I was seeking security in the wrong place. God promises me not only earthly stability, but eternal guarantee in His heavenly courts. Just like Abraham and Sarah, time and time again God assured them that He would fulfill His covenant with Abraham through his own son, Issac. However, Abraham still made a wrong decision by going for an alternative/detour by laying with Sarah's Egyptian maidservant, Hagar and resulted in the birth of Ishmael (though still within the control of God's sovereign plan). By His great mercy, God pulled me back quickly from signing the SAF contract and I am resolved to entrust my one life to serve Him.

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