Friday, January 27, 2012

BB Appreciation Tea

Met Mr.Nathan at the BB Appreciation Tea recently. He has been our BB Patron for two terms as President of Singapore. We had the honor and pleasure of his presence on numerous occasions. Also, it was also Mr.Nathan who had graciously approved the BB President's Award and its ceremony to be held at the Istana building. To show our appreciation for his many years of fervent support, we invited him to this event to thank him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chinese New Year 2012

Visited Malaysia last Friday to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family. Went up to Genting Highlands (have not been there since I was a kid). I was really impressed and captivated by the variety and extensive details of the Genting Casino. Ate incredible meals such as the Iranian Naan, Turkish desserts, herbal Bak Ku Teh, Ah Yat Abalone and Indian spice. Though I was quite reluctant to leave Singapore initially, I gotta admit that I did enjoyed the trip with my family. Praise the LORD!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Joshua 24:15c says, "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

Watched Courageous with my Dad alone this evening. Truly, it's a God-orchestrated evening and miracle to witness this Father & Son film with my earthly father. Though it was rather awkward as I seldom watch a movie or walk to CWP alone with him, I know God spoke to him throughout the evening (and plus, he wiped his eyes at the end of the film). "O LORD, don't come back so quickly. Give me that 5 more minutes to bring the message of salvation into my family."

Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, they are confident and focused, standing up to the worst the streets can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge they're ill prepared to tackle: fatherhood. When tragedy strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Sherwood Pictures, creators of Fireproof, returns with this heartfelt, action-packed story. Protecting the streets is second nature to these law enforcement officers. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That takes courage.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Galatians 5:16 says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Completed Kayaking Star 2 Course with my BBHQ buddies (Christopher, Lim Pin, Loisa) today after 2 lessons and one 8km expeditions from Sembawang Water Venture to Seletar Island back and forth. Despite the tiredness and sunburns, it was worthwhile to invest my two weekends in learning new stuff and to have fellowship with these AWEsome bunch.

[Secretly thinking of going for Star 3 and Instructor Course]

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2 Chronicles 25;2 says, "He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, but not wholeheartedly."

7th consecutive year of attending a BB Day Ceremony.
May the good LORD generously bless and pour His spirit onto 11th Singapore Company for another year ahead.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daniel 1:8a says, "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine"

Started my Relief Teaching Attachment with Christ Church Secondary School recently. Great exposure to what being a MOE teacher's like. Had the opportunity to see how the other teachers work in the staffroom a.k.a behind the scenes. I must concede that teachers are possibly the most stressful creatures in this Solar System.

I relieved Class 3E2 and 1E3 for the past few days. For the the latter, I walked into the class and explained to them that their Math Tutor met an accident in the morning. And guess what, they whole class lifted up their hands high into the air and exclaimed, "YEAH!" I was like -.- And oh boy, our kids these days are quite well-informed, intelligent and confident speakers (but aggressive). I received questions like, "Aiyo, why u so stupid? Why you go Innova and not ACJC? Do you have a girlfriend? Can we play Taboo instead of Pictionary, please?" Pray that I may learn much in the next 3 months.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year Goal: Proskuneo (Obey You Only)

Blessed New Year 2012 to God's people and may the LORD continue to pour out His spirit and fill the hearts of men daily this new year. Just got back from China on Wednesday night after 15 days of extended time with my family. The best moment was when I got to celebrate CHRISTmas service with my Dad in a small church in Zhangzhou (and he was the one who initiated it!). It's amazing how God orchestrated everything during this trip. I'm still praying for my Dad's salvation that he may come to know Jesus as His own LORD and Saviour one day.

After I got back, I have heard that countless things have been happening to my friends in LIFE/Innova, brothers in BB and church mates. I pray that as we start the new year, may we learn to trust and obey God more this year and lean on His strength as we face each new storm that knocks on our door.

I Wanted To Quit

Today, I had Kayaking Star 2 Course with Ms.Loisa, Lim Pin, Christopher and other BB Boys from 33rd Company. For Star 2, we are required to use the Dancer instead of the Bandit Kayak, which has a really small cockpit (making it extremely difficult to enter the Kayak). The first hour I got into my Kayak, I already told myself, "I want to go home now." Coach Eugene made us do tons of Capsizing-prone exercises and as a result, we kept capsizing like nobody's business. The Sembawang seawater was ultra turbulent and really scary (I never knew I would be so afraid of the sea).

But thank God we managed to pray for the weather and commit the day to the LORD together before we sank. It really makes a difference when we put our faith in God when we feel so insecure and fearful. At the end of the day, I became more confident with the capsizing and do look forward to the Expedition and Lesson II next weekend : )